STEP FREE ACCESS to Church is via the shared Cameron Brewery Car park,
at the top of the road to the left of the Churchyard: if Car park gate is closed
phone the number shown. The Church gate is to the right (in the wall)

CLICK for current policy documents

CLICK for our Sunday Club archive of online Bible stories

CLICK for Stranton Church 2023 Statutory Reports and Accounts, as presented at our Annual Meeting on Sunday 28th April 2024

Hebrews 4:12-16 ...for the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. 16 Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

CLICK HERE to donate online for the mission and ministry of Stranton Church


Daily Hope prayer line is available now 24 hours a day ***0800 804 8044***, offering music, prayers and reflections as well as full, worship services from the Church of England at the end of a telephone line.

We recommended the following online resources for home devotions: "Oikodomeo" and "LECTIO365"


CLICK HERE-link for direct online giving to support our 900th Anniversary tower appeal or use the QR code below

HERE is the latest AUGUST 2024 Newsletter from Andy and Kati Walsh our CMS partners in Brazil

Click to see a NEW (Summer 2024) video update from Andy Walsh

Click for a video of Prison baptism from Andy Walsh
Click HERE for Durham Diocese advice on how you can help in supporting refugees from Ukraine

Stranton Church has registered with the Home Office as a Faith organisation willing to provide both accommodation and practical help - If you wish to become involved as part of our co-ordinated response, please email to register your interest to

For Occasional services - Weddings Funerals and BaptismsYou are very welcome in Church. Please telephone the *Church office* for further information.

Events & groups at St Matthews Community Centre - The Centre management committee is open to new bookings: - for Community Centre bookings and queries please text or call 07305 550009.

Here are the videos from our prayer course for you to catch up if you missed them
*Week 1 HERE*
*Week 2 HERE*
*Week 3 HERE* *Week 4 HERE*
*Week 5 HERE* *Week 6 HERE*
*Week 7 HERE* *Week 8 HERE*

In the Name of the Father
And of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit

Help available!
Please telephone the Church office or one of the ministry team if you need practical help, prayer, or other support.

Copyright notice published under CCL Licence 197: Music Reproduction Licence 197: Music Streaming Licence 528312: Church Video Licence 1017981: PPL Church Licence 1648312: CLA Church Licence 1420011: PRS for Music Church Licence 1030724

What's On Visiting - subject to safe practices Weddings & Christenings
Weekly Notices
Signpost Magazine
Your first visit
Youth & Children
We welcome Visitors to All Saints. In addition to Sunday and Weekday (occasional) public services, School visits, bellringing and musical rehearsals, the Church is normally open to the public at the following times Tuesday afternoons (by arrangement)
Saturday 10.00am to 12.00 noon
**At other times or October to March Contact Church Office or phone 01429 276064
We warmly welcome those who wish to hold their special celebration at All Saints

Community Pages Burbank Community Church Safeguarding and Policies
Community Use of Church Building

What's on at St Matthews CC
How to Book St Matthew's CC
Ward Jackson Church of England Primary School
Watch & Listen - Burbank Multi-media Archive Safeguarding Contacts
Safeguarding Policy
Parish Statement on Responding to Domestic Abuse
Parish Statement on Promoting a Safer Church
Policy Documents & Forms
Church Groups and Mission Work. About Us Connect with Us
Home Groups
Bell Ringing
Mission Work
Other Church Groups and Sister Churches

Our Statement of Values
Who's Who
Contact Us
Find Us

Stranton Facebook Page      Durham Diocese Website    Church of England Website
Rooted in God's love, Growing together with Jesus, Branching out in the power of the Holy Spirit 
All Saints' Church, Stranton, Hartlepool 

Stranton Church, 20th October 2024 - 21st Sunday after Trinity

9:15 am at St Luke's Church Tunstall Avenue: Group joint service for St Luke's day
(No Service at Stranton Church)

Mid Week Holy Communion services/Service of the Word
Wednesday 23rd October 2024: 09:30 am St Luke's and 10:00 am St Matthews
Thursday 24th October 2024 09:15 am at St Columba's

Receiving Holy Communion:
At our Communion services we offer the elements with choice for communicants to receive either by the common cup or by intinction

Here are links to Central Hartlepool Group of Churches social media pages:
Stranton Church Facebook :
Stranton Church YouTube Channel
St Aidan and Columba Facebook:
St Lukes Facebook:
Community of Hope Hartlepool Facebook
HERE -notices: 21st Sunday after Trinity, 20th October 2024
& HERE last week's notices