We are compliant with both the Church of England and Diocese of Durham Safeguarding policies. Please find our Safeguarding statement and policy below.

0. Safeguarding Statement and Policy 2023: including Lone worker policy

If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Jacqui Rogers: 19 Trentbrooke Avenue (01429)265527
or email at

Other safeguarding contacts:

Minister Rev’d John Bell
Telephone: 07512 481115 or Email at

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer Beth Miller
Telephone: 07968 034075 or Email at or

Local Authority Adult 01429 523390
Local Authority Children 01429 284284
Local Authority Out of Hours 08702 402994

Rooted in God’s love, Growing together with Jesus, Branching out in the power of the Holy Spirit 
All Saints' Church, Stranton and Burbank Community Church, Hartlepool