Policy Documents approved by PCC for employed staff of the Parish and including staff and volunteers engaged by the PCC on behalf of Central Hartlepool Group parishes (for Communities of Hope): if you are finding it hard to open a document please right click on the pdf symbol next to it, and select to open it in another tab

0. Safeguarding including Lone worker policy - and see link on Stranton church website home page
1. Volunteering
2. IT Communications and Social Media
3. Use of IT equipment and services
4. Equality and diversity
5. Disciplinary
6. Drugs and Alcohol
7. Absence management
8. Grievance policy
9. Health and Safety (March 2020) policy
10. Complaints Procedure
11. Behaviour policy and procedure (Childrens activities)
12. Anti- Bullying policy and procedure
13. Cash Counting and Banking procedure
14. Financial Policy and Procedure
15. Conflicts of Interest Policy and procedure
Guide to Data protection
CoH Subcommittee Terms of Reference
Growing Hope document
PCC Standing orders
Buildings and Finance subcommitee
Rooted in God’s love, Growing together with Jesus, Branching out in the power of the Holy Spirit 
All Saints' Church, Stranton and Burbank Community Church, Hartlepool